SRCC Centre For Child Development Prosthetics & Orthotics Department

Orthotics or Prosthetics is a specialty within the medical field concerned with the design, manufacture and application of externally applied devices onto the body. These are used to modify the structural and functional characteristics of the neuromuscular and skeletal system.
Orthotics helps patients with difficulties in using their limbs or other body parts. Their primary purpose is to enhance or correct a body part that doesn’t function properly. These devices have both long & short term uses and can reduce stress on specific body parts & allow them to heal without swelling, discomfort, or inflammation.
There are various types of orthotic devices that can be used for issues occurring in the foot, ankle, knee, hip, spine, shoulder, arm, hand etc. Common examples of orthotic devices include cervical collars, spinal orthosis used in patients with spine and back issues caused by scoliosis and foot orthotics, which are often in the form of insoles or various types of splints.
Prosthetics are designed to help individuals with limb loss regain independence and confidence through improved mobility. Prosthesis is an artificial limb or device that is used to replace a missing limb or body part.
Depending on the patient’s needs, orthotic or prosthetic devices can be custom-made for individual users. Since each person’s body is unique their devices need to be tailored to their exact measurements and mobility needs in order to prevent discomfort, pain or further injury while using the device.
Both the devices (Orthotic or Prosthetic) are designed to improve an individual’s mobility. Orthotics are braces or other supportive devices that are used to correct alignment, reduce pain or provide additional support to any body part, whereas Prosthetics are devices that replace a missing limb. Both orthotic and prosthetic aids are to improve movement but each work for different types of patients.
Orthotics and prosthetics for different patients might require varying levels of customization. Healthcare professionals can help the patient get the design that fits them best in that regard.
When should you consult a professional?
People suffering from certain conditions like flat feet, bow knees or knock knees, cerebral palsy, fractures, spondylosis, diabetes, can get helpful advice and guidance from a professional prosthetist or orthotist. Consulting a professional as soon as a problem appears could prevent further complications.
Contact us: Learn more about custom orthotics and prosthetics from the professional team at SRCC Center for Child Development Haji Ali, Mumbai. We will take time to answer your questions.
Request a consultation today, call 8591626290.
SRCC’s Vision: Health, Hope and Happiness are every child’s right.
SRCC’s Mission: No child should go without treatment for want of money.
During past financial years the appliances/aids manufactured by the team are as follows:
F.Y. 2021-22 527
F.Y. 2022-23 842
F.Y. 2023-24 820
The rates of the appliances at SRCC Centre are reasonable, apart from that the services are provided free or at subsidized rate to the children from economically weaker sections of the society.
To help the SRCC initiative: Donate via Cheque / Demand Draft in favour of “SRCC A/C Centre for Child Development”.
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Donors can avail of tax exemption under Section 80-G of the Income Tax Act, 1961 (applicable in India only).
For more information call 8591626290.