February 21, 2025

About Us

THE VOICE OF MALABAR HILLS is a newspaper for residents of Altamont Road, Carmicheal Road, Pedder Road, Kemp’s Corner, Breach Candy, Nepean Sea Road, Walkeshwar, Ridge Road, Little Gibbs Road, Chowpatty, Babulnath, Forjett Street, Warden Road and adjoining areas. This newspaper is published on a monthly basis and is circulated to 12,000 residences and offices in the Malabar Hill area.

The focus of the newspaper is on issues which impact the local community in general though they might not have a great relevance on the scale of a city of teeming millions. It may not be a newspaper focusing on all the issues that plague a city of over 20 million and would rather look at problems of Malabar Hill area and help give them a voice. Content would generally be dictated by local needs rather than sensationalism or national issues alone.

Besides this a community newspaper would play a role in highlighting local business and creating awareness about the same. Similarly, event list and places of interest where one could go, information and support to talented locals who are self-employed and don’t have big advertising budget. It is a newspaper for the local community and hence would have regular columns for anyone local who might wish to bring forth local issues for which a voice is needed. 

The ideology behind this newspaper is to create a local forum where the collective has a voice generally ignored in comparison to issues of a larger reach. Such a newspaper would not be a success without the support of local members and businesses that would in turn benefit as well. We are a team of individuals not motivated by profit mantra and look at it as a social initiative; hence we approach you to seek support, by participating in any manner possible in making this venture viable for the good of our entire neighbourhood.

The Editor of “The Voice of Malabar Hills” is Tushar Prabhoo born, bought up and residing on Navroji Gamadia Road in Malabar Hill area. He has commercial printing experience of over 20 years. He is supported by an enthusiastic Editorial Committee which meets once a month to decide the contents of the newspaper. They are all residents of different parts of Malabar Hill area. The Editorial Committee consists of Chaitanya Shah, Hemen Shah, Sharad Bhagat, Naresh Jain, Bharat Mehta, Dr Rushin Mehta, Dr Pratit Samdani, Bela Mucchala, Rohini Kavadia, Aneree Shah, Aangi Shah and Tinku Sadarangani.