a newspaper for residents of Malabar Hills.
In the absence of a functional residents’ association, a group called, ‘Friends of Malabar Hill’, was founded on WhatsApp in February 2024. Its very first offline meeting was held on Thursday, 28 March, at the Police Gymkhana.
The purpose of the meeting was to discuss the issues of the community and create an action plan to resolve them. Among the points of discussion was, forming a cohesive entity which would represent the locality and work towards its betterment and welfare. It was proposed that an ‘Association of Persons’ (AOP) could be formed. This AOP named ‘Friends of Malabar Hill’, would have a logo and branding, and be registered. Thereafter, it could join the umbrella of other residents’ associations of the nearby areas. This AOP would take up and address issues such as infrastructure in the locality, open spaces, sports facilities, waste segregation, composting, rainwater harvesting, reduction of plastic use, dry waste collection, vehicular congestion, road safety, security, a litter-free locality and green spaces. As increased housing is a given, and many buildings on Malabar Hill are being redeveloped or opting for redevelopment, it was decided to initiate some form of legislation on the type and manner of redevelopment. Rampant redevelopment is affecting the topography, biodiversity, environmental and historical features of the precinct. To avert any disaster (human-made or natural), it was decided that a feasibility survey of the carrying capacity of the Hill should be commissioned. The environmental conservation of the Hill must take precedence over all else. Building management committees would be approached to support the AOP and join it in its efforts.
It is the sincere endeavour of the ‘Friends of Malabar Hill’ to effect the change it wants to see in the locality. As Margaret Mead once said, “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed, citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.”
(By Pervin Sanghavi)
Pic 1: This logo for ‘Friends of Malabar Hill’ was created, probono, by Niyosha Gandhi.
Pic 2. The first offline meeting in progress at the Police Gymkhana.
I would be happy to become member of this group, subject to mutual criterias
I would like to become a member as I live on Carmichael road and there doesn’t seem to be an active society.
Is it possible to be part of the whatsapp group
Please contact 9867616666 to be added in the Whatsapp group