WATER: The Supreme Nourisher!Tapping Into The Regenerative and Healing Virtues of Water

From the ancient dawns of civilizations to the present noon’s of digital enabling if there is one thing that eludes us as a race as much as it attracts us, it is our relentless search for the trinity; health, happiness and harmony!
While we look far and wide for complex solutions and practices there is one element we ignore. WATER.
WATER is the mother element, the supreme nourisher, and if we can bring it back to its original state, like it was in nature’s glaciers and streams it would allow us to be healthier happier and in more harmony, naturally.
So should we only ask ourselves how much water we drink or is it equally critical to ask what kind of water are we drinking?
The human body and planet are 75 % water. Water created the conditions for life. The first unicellular life-form was born in water. Water nurtures every single species and plant according to its needs. The womb is water. The brain floats in water. Every great civilization prospered around great rivers. The one thing we don’t refuse even to the enemy is water.
Nature’s water, the water we evolved with, is in a very fine balance of purity, molecular structure, natural minerals, water memory and sunlight quotient.
The water we drink today is shockingly poor on all parameters. We have in the last 30 years of industrial living managed to abuse water in more ways than we know.
Water has lost its Purity due to hazardous farming chemicals, industrial waste, sewage elements, bacterial contaminants, metal leaching, micro plastics and chlorine. Most of our filters may not be able to remove all the complex endocrine disrupting elements present in water today.
Water has lost its coherent molecular structure due to the aggressive action of dams, pressure pumps, sharp turns of underground pipelines and the forceful pressing of water through micron-sized pores of filters. What used to be the elixir of life is now just a liquid, a commodity, a check box for daily consumption.
Natural minerals have long gone from our water too so we opt for bottled water containing either artificial minerals, or micro plastics from the bottles. Then that water remains stagnant for months in warehouses and shops exposed to sun rays through plastic. Even if one opts for expensive glass bottled water we still create tons of carbon footprint every day across the globe.
Water which once had abundant sunlight and fresh air in meandering rivers stagnates in dark stuffy pipes and tanks for weeks before it reaches us.
Last but not least let’s not overlook the phenomenon of water memory. Every thought, emotion and sound has an electromagnetic frequency which penetrates the water around it.
In turn, water stores every vibration that passes through it in its structural imprint which can be seen in its crystalline patterns.
In nature water listened to harmonious sounds. In the city it picks up and stores in its memory the chaos of traffic sounds, noise pollution and kitchen din.
Our water is not only chemically and physically polluted but also energetically impoverished. Then we go a step further and place our water purifiers under sinks, next to the garbage cans.
Couple of decades back water would be ceremoniously stored in an embellished earthen pot on a raised platform with tulsi next to it in a lovely corner of the home.
In many cultures the concept of “bhuta shuddhi” refers to certain proven processes to cleanse and revitalise water with silver copper gold, chants or prayers sung into it to address the derangement that water has to go through due to environmental factors and the industrial journey it makes to our homes.
If the most essential element has been rendered sick and lifeless how may we aspire to be well ?
The Auroville research centre studied water for decades to arrive at a ground breaking solution to transform compromised water into revitalised water.
The Maeka water curator is an advanced water purifier which
1) Bio purifies,
2) Restores natural molecular structure and coherence,
3) Remineralises with natural trace minerals,
4) Re-vitalises with sunlight factors and your chosen sounds, music, chants, prayers and intentions,
5) Stores water in a steel tank and not plastic.
Maeka’s unique patented technology brings back to water its original regenerative and living virtues same as in the mountain peaks: PURE, COHERENT, ENERGISED, and ENRICHED with trace minerals such as silver, copper & gold.
Maeka drinking water is bio compatible and reinforces our cells’ hydration, vitality and immune system. It helps with anti-oxidation, anti-acidity & anti-aging. It improves circulation of nutrients and energy in the body and mind. Water tastes so much better, softer and lighter.
Each glass becomes a conscious health ritual for the family.
Thanks to Auroville we can now have artisanal water flowing in our homes to drink and cook. This water purifier is handcrafted in Auroville with love and gets easily installed in any kitchen, pantry or space. After being exported to Europe for years it is finally available in Mumbai Delhi Chandigarh Kolkata Pune Chennai Bangalore and Pondicherry.
You’re invited to experience the rejuvenation of MAEKA Living water from Auroville at their experience centres in Mumbai.
Let us allow our water to nurture us with conscious health and happiness.
www.maeka.com An innovation from Auroville
For more info / demo / installation +91 91670 62949, 9820611601.
Written by Menaka Deorah, Inner Leadership, Integral Education, Conscious Health & Parenting Coach