Seniors Engagement at THE SMILING SOULS

There have been many conversations about mental health and how our mind is as essential as our body. It is responsible for our mood, our motivation and our behaviour. A natural question then erupts in the mind – How does mental health manifest itself in old age? The perspective that we offer now could be worrisome to some. We can see that about 34.4% of seniors in India suffer from depression. The younger generation gets busy with their own work-life & family life and knowingly or unknowingly, are unable to give too much of time to their elderly. As a result, seniors have to deal with severe loneliness & depression. This, in extreme cases could lead to other mental challenges and neuro-degenerative disorders like Alzhiemer’s, Parkinson’s & Dementia. Continual, consistent & meaningful engagement is the best way to address these issues.
The Smiling Souls, a social impact organisation, has created a platform exclusively for seniors. We work tirelessly to elevate their happiness and wellness and transform their lives. Our various services can be categorised under Engagement, Empowerment, and Healthcare.
Today, we shall elaborate on Engagement.
Significance of Engagement
Why do we become a little dull as we grow older? Is it the routine or sameness that gets boring or is it the nothingness? Mostly, it’s the latter and that needs to be tackled tactfully to age naturally and live life to the fullest. Meaningful positive engagement is not only satisfying but also mentally rewarding. When the mind engages, the body forgets all the issues and thus benefits the mind and body both. At The Smiling Souls, seniors engage themselves through attending daily sessions, recording and listening to podcasts, being a part of live celebrations, periodic talent contests and occasional in-person meetings. They look forward to the hundreds and thousands of hours and hours of engaging content that they receive continually. Such a meaningful engagement fuels the seniors to live their life to the fullest and helps a gradual positive life transformation.
Following are the ways in which we engage seniors meaningfully:
Daily Virtual Sessions
We have daily sessions to interact with seniors everyday. These daily sessions involve both wellness oriented content and entertainment centered activities.
a. Wellness sessions – Within the Wellness sessions we are able to provide sessions on Yoga, Meditation, Pranayama, Hastmudra, Yoganidra, and much more to help seniors stay healthy.
b. Happiness sessions – In the Happiness sessions we focus on music, singing, dancing, theatre, variety of brain games, memory games, musical games, conversations, and much more.
c. Knowledge sessions – Learning should never halt. Learning should be life long and that’s exactly what we imbue in the seniors, and create a playful, stressfre environment for learning. Here, the sessions focus on health, financial wellness, retirement planning, investments, will making, insurance, etc. Seniors are also able to gain mastery in the field of technology through our digital learning sessions. We invite medical, financial, legal and other experts to conduct knowledge based sessions for the seniors.
d. Creativity sessions – Creative pursuits such as painting, music, journaling, allow self-expression, which can be a powerful tool for self-discovery and personal growth. Our experienced specialists and member specialists conduct the Creativity sessions with ease & simplicity.
Benefits to Seniors:
They get home delivery of happiness & wellness. They find a family outside family.
Social interactions increase and they make new friends. They get a platform to showcase their talents. They learn new skills and develop new hobbies. Their understanding of the digital world & technology is enhanced. They get meaningfully engaged. Their self-confidence starts increasing with time. They feel a belonging in their own senior community.
A podcast is a digital audio or video that can be seen, heard and/or downloaded from the internet. It typically is closest to an interview, a conversation cum discussion, storytelling, etc. on a wide range of topics. Podcasts are often released in episodes. Viewers & listeners can subscribe to their favorite channels through various platforms like Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or Google Podcasts, to name a few.
After having live a life full of life changing incidences, successes, achievements and challenges; this this is the best opportunity for seniors to celebrate life. What better can one ask for when The Smiling Souls Seniors’ Podcast Channel can carry their voice to 30 countries through over 25 platforms.
Podcasts is the best gift that seniors can give themselves and they truly deserve to.
It is truly the best way to promote their new venture / project / service assignment that the senior has undertaken. This would be their best visiting card; their best profile, their best spokesperson & their best marketing tool.
Benefits to Seniors:
An everlasting repertoire in an audio visual format for seniors to replay anytime, everytime
The best gift seniors must gift themselves
Inspiration to the seniors across the world and the younger generation with their own life experiences.
This is the best legacy gift that seniors can give their grandchildren and great grand children. Besides an inspiration the podcast carrries their words, their message and their blessings to the family. This podcast will remain with them perpetually.
We celebrate the different milestones of seniors such as their birthdays, anniversaries and reunions. Seniors can invite their family, relatives, friends, and fans across India, across the world. These celebrations are a perfect mix of sharing life’s cherished moments with closed ones through technology. Seniors can connect with their childhood friends/family in different parts of the world and make their special moment the most memorable one.
Benefits to Seniors: Easy accessibility to be a part of each other’s virtual celebrations. Comfort and convenience of connecting from their homes. Feeling of inclusivity to be a part of each other’s special moments. Personalized celebrations based on preference and liking.
In-person Events
Our platform provides an opportunity for a plethora of in person events to help seniors belong to this community. Everywhere we go, we build a circle of people that we like to interact with. This social circle is something we are built to make for ourselves. Life may become flavourless without people who indulge in interests same as ours.
The in-person events organised by The Smiling Souls have been historic, ranging from day picnics to Seniors’ Fashion Shows. One needs to witness it to believe it.
Benefits to Seniors:
These are welcome breaks from the routine life. Unforgettable experiences & memories of a life time. These boost meaningful social connection and friendships. Fosters a sense of belonging and keeps them connected to senior community.
In Conclusion
We are a social impact organisation on a mission to elevate the wellness and happiness in seniors. Our platform provides a way for seniors to learn, socialize and enjoy in a way that maintains their dignity. With respect, love and care, we at The Smiling Souls aspire to transform seniors’ lives of seniors positively.
Connect with Smiling Souls on 8069701212 or whatsapp on 9867206822. For more information surf their website or write a email to them on