Everything that you do in terms of breathing, movement, behavior, thoughts, words, attitude, creativity, recreation, mingling with elements & so much more can add to your youthfulness. But of the many, below are mentioned 5, because out of 50 things, you may be able to do these 5 at least.

Only if we realize what is fundamental to human life, of course, we know it is breath because without breath, life cannot move on, further progress and evolve. So, breath is important. Breathing by default happens. But when breathing happens consciously, when we are exercising, when we are meditating, in awareness and even otherwise as many times in a day if we can breathe consciously, especially slow rhythmic breathing each time we are stressed. Slow rhythmic breathing before we eat, after we eat, while we eat just before we sleep, when we wake up, then our health will grow, progress, evolve and become invincible.
The second habit, of course, is food. Without food, the body cannot continue for long. So, food, sensible, intelligent, natural, cosmic nutrition is very, very important. Why sensible and intelligent? Because nutrition helps mankind evolve, heal and become whole. Food that is cleansing in nature, healing in nature, food that is regulating in nature and food that is fortifying in nature. So, of course, vegetables cleanse you, fruits heal you, nuts, seeds, sprouts, dry fruits fortify you and herbs regulate you.
Then the third important thing is optimal movement therapy, which is more of yoga. So, optimal movement therapy will make you grow physiologically, emotionally and psychologically. This transformation through food, because that’s the thing that we do most after breathing, really adds value to our body. To our healing, to our wholeness and it helps us nourish, flourish and it fortifies us. It reverses our age, reverses our ailments, cellular regeneration happens and it makes sure that we remain disease and ailment free.
The fourth important thing is of course rest, the most important pillar of wellness. If activity is important, passivity is also important. In passivity there is repair, restore, revive and rejuvenation. In sleep, healing happens. Psychological and emotional rejuvenation also happens. As much there is physiological healing and wholeness happening, psychological and emotional healing and wholeness also happens.
Then the fifth pillar is meditation and recreation. So meditation is important, meditation is important to bring order from disorder, ease from disease and generation back from degeneration, integration back from disintegration. Healing, wholeness again happens with meditation. Homeostasis happens with meditation. Equilibrium, equanimity happens with meditation. Recreation, the joy quotient, the happiness quotient is also very important.
These five pillars help us upgrade through up scaling and up regulating our well-being.
Good habits Maximized … And, Life gets Mickeymized !!!
By Dr. Mickey Mehta